Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Seriously want.

From the Coalition.


Anonymous said...

The 23, like the 21, 17, and I think, the 15, has a lever on the stick that functions as an "autopilot disconnect". If you are a 19 year old Uzbek drunk on hydraulic fluid (or maybe an Iraqi with 20 hours total time in the last 5 years) and you lose the bubble while flying it, you just through your arms up in the air ("Jesus Take the Stick")((Maybe that should be "Mohammed Take The Stick"), and the plane will recover itself and fly straight and level. Orestes Lorenzo was telling me about it...

Nathan said...

I have the Encyclopedia of Modern Warplanes (about 10 years out of date, though).

GF says I look at it the way other people look at the Sharper Image catalog.

John the Scientist said...

1. I knew this would draw CW out of hiding.

2. CW met Orestes Lorenzo ?!?

(The most famous pilot I ever met was Adolf Galland).

Anonymous said...

You're way ahead of me on Adolf Galland, although my buddy Louie Armstrong, when he was in Germany, sought out General Galland, tracked down where he lived, and went up and knocked on his door, and said "as another fighter guy, I felt I had to come and pay my respects." General Galland invited him in to drink brandy and talk about fighter tactics.